Monday, December 17, 2007


"F1", the SMS from Dr. Saab said.
"What is it" Dr. Michele called back.
Saab was the new computer savvy neurosurgeon in our hospital, always talking about gigabytes, networking, Blogs and PowerPoint Wizards.

"Mickey, I am baffled with this sarcoma patient. He is not responding to any treatment."
"Try Radiotherapy"
"Didn't work"
"Four drug chemotherapy"
"Had to stop because of side effects"
"Then go in for surgical removal"
"The tumor is very huge, Mickey, I have no experience with such types"
"Then F1 will not bail you out, Saab, what you need is a Wizard. Shift him to OR-8. I will be there in 30 minutes."
Dr. Michele Jordan, the wizard of neurosurgery, was getting ready for another challenging surgery.

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