Monday, February 11, 2008

I Told You So

I woke up with pain in my back. I saw DokSaab smiling at me. I felt for my tail. It was not there.

"What did you do with my tail?"

"I had to remove it Mickey, I told you so!"

"You told you'd do a minor surgery for the boil."

"Yes, but your tail was useless, so I removed it."

"It was symbol of my Manhood, err Monkeyhood. Jane loved me because of it. DokSaab, I told you so!"

"I will talk to Jane, don't you worry, Monkey."

As he was leaving, I saw my sexy tail, hanging from behind DokSaab's white apron. Now I realised he duped me. He had huge crush on my Jane and stole my tail to win-over her.

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